Sparkle is a concentrated liquid presoak detergent and de-tarnishing agent. It removes tough food soils from stainless flatware or silver. It is reddish brown in color with a pH of 13.
Special electrochemical conversion ingredients allow tarnish or smut to be removed safely from your fine silver.

- Stainless Flatware: Prepare a very hot water solution containing 1 to 2 ounces of SPARKLE per gallon of water in a dishpan. Soak flatware for several minutes in the solution, sort and place stainless in utensil cups and cycle through your dishwasher.
- Silverware: Line a dishpan with clean aluminum foil or place clean, de-tarnishing plates in the bottom. Prepare a solution of 1 to 2 ounces of SPARKLE per gallon of very hot water in a dishpan. Immerse silverware completely in solution and allow to soak for several minutes. Remove and rinse thoroughly, place in utensil cups and cycle through your dishwasher.
Item #:
0340-CL 0340-1 0340-5 |
4-1 Gal/Case Closed Loop 4-1 Gal/Case 5 Gallon Pail |